Sunday, 30 December 2012

This is why I constantly have cat hair on my clothes.

There's an outfit below the jump as well, but really, who wants to look at that when you can see Nala being cute?
Spot the kitty!
 She sometimes even brings me in presents too, and not in a good way. This was just chilling out when I got home one day...

Saturday, 1 December 2012

I survived my first week of doctoring!


I can manage day work fine, as there are two house surgeons on the team and the other one (not me) is boss at lines and things, but evenings. Holy. Crap. I pretty much flailed around uselessly and left the night float to clean up (at least that's what it felt like) and hoped I didn't poison anyone. And I certified my first dead person, which was the easiest task all evening.

I'm pretty sure this is okay to upload to the interwebs, since the public can see it when I'm in the hospital anyway and it's about the best ID photo I've ever had.