Wednesday 5 September 2012

Things I have been up to, Part 2

6. Buying a new laptop - this is the first post brought to you by my new laptop, whose name is currently undecided, but I'm still getting to know her. Unfortunately Emily Jemima II, an EeePC 900HA who's been my faithful companion for around 3 and a half years, has decided that her right-hand keys (delete/backspace/enter/right arrow key) no longer do anything, plus she's getting a bit slow in her old age.

 This is Emily...she's on her second battery and third (or fourth?) power cable.

I took the chance to go to Comex last weekend since it's the biggest computer expo of the year, or so they say (holy shit all the technology. hnnnnnnnnng.) and get a new laptop - I'd budgeted for this since the start of the year, so I knew what my price range was (about $1000) and what I was looking for (something under 11" if I could get one with decent specs, otherwise a 'portable laptop') and ended up with an Asus K46CM (i.e. shiny) although was VERY tempted by the purple EeePCs.

It was super crowded, even towards the end of the last day - there were signs saying "thank you for your support, come back in an hour" - luckily they weren't out when I was there!

7. Decorating The Things. The back of my phone has been shiny and blingy for a while, and my camera is now past its one-year warranty - so I went to Daiso (yeah, Singapore has a Japanese $2 store! Obviously SGD - Wellingtonians, think like Japan City but better).

It's blatantly obvious that I just chucked ALL THE SHINY THINGS on it with little thought for aesthetics, but it's not like anyone who judges me negatively on my inability to bling a camera in the most artistic way is going to significantly affect my life.

8. More shopping - I headed back to Orchard and went to Ngee Ann City, mainly to go to the bigger Kinokuniya branch (which was a little bit like being in my happy place except for the lack of couches to sit on and read) and pick up some magazines for people in NZ.
 Ngee Ann City, like most of the malls, is very used to tourists - a lot of the shops have current overseas conversion rates and signs about tax back.
 Kinokuniya.....HAPPY PLACE. Like many of the large department stores, they have smaller stores/sections inside selling complimentary items e.g. stationery and for some reason, rocks.
Exhibit A: Rocks being sold in book store. Books in background for proof.
 The big department store attached had a whole shelf of Studio Ghibli merch - mainly Totoro and Jiji.
 This is quite a cool glasses case. I pretty much never put whatever pair of glasses I'm currently wearing in a case.
Lego Store!! Unfortunately the main attraction (for me) of lego stores is big intricate models, and they weren't that impressive :( no robotic ones or moving bits or anything.
I bought these because I was inspired by this photograph below - hopefully I will get some use out of them before Rocky Horror next year ;)

9. Eating More of the Things.
 Amazing custard bun (the long one), charcoal claypot chicken (the one that isn't a panda) and chocolate panda bun. Bought from one of the bakery chains.
 Chicken in a bun is an amazing sort of chicken.
 Kedong juice - an unusual taste, but really nice. 
 Duck and barbecue pork rice with chilli sauce...
 Seaweed snacks. These have been breakfast for the last two days :P
 Longan grass jelly. With all the syrupy stuff. I think I prefer shaved ice, but the shaved ice place wasn't open when I went.
Didn't buy anything here, but just wanted to share a picture of the store.

10. Clubbing! Raymond invited me out to Zouk to see DJ Shogun play. Whilst this sounds impressive, I don't really listen to trance so had no idea what it was going to be like.

 DJ Shogun - headlining act for the night.

It was AWESOME though - the vibe was great, unlike Wellington where you often need to drink to tolerate the ipod DJing/repeated songs/other people. Apparently Zouk is one of the best clubs in the world, and I'm inclined to believe it. So. Awesome. We were out until 4ish, when DJ Shogun finished his set.
UV lighting!

Cover charge was $28 including 2 drinks. I got bought something gross called a 'Graveyard' which is beer-based and doesn't appear to have any soft drink in it, and is therefore disgusting. Give me gummy bear cocktails any day.

11. Making Friends.
 The kitty meowed at me and rubbed against my legs this morning...I think it wanted food? That's what Nala does when she wants food.
And Alexandra Hospital Scenery.

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